Language Acquisition courses are available in English, French, Mandarin, and Spanish at a wide range of skill levels.
Early levels provide students with the basic communication skills needed in everyday situations, through the study of basic vocabulary and present tense. Students explore different topics such as greetings and farewells, personal information, descriptions related to school, family, places, climate. Also, they express likes and dislikes, talk about daily routines, tell and ask the time, ask for food at a restaurant, ask for directions, and talk about experiences in the past.
As students’ language skills progress, reading comprehension is developed through a variety of primary texts including short stories, magazine articles and songs about French, Chinese or Spanish culture. Students explore different topics such as curricular and extracurricular activities, careers, the influence of French, Chinese and Spanish culture around the world (customs, traditions, and social codes), socio-cultural celebrations/holidays and shopping/errands, advantages and shortcomings of cell phones and social media.
At higher levels, students learn to communicate in the target language in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. They describe situations, narrate events, make comparisons, explain problems, and state and support their personal opinions on a variety of topics relating to course content.
Recognizing Language Learning with the Global Seal of Biliteracy
The International School of Indiana has chosen to credential student language learning with the Global Seal of Biliteracy - an international credential that conveys proficiency with language skills in two or more languages for our qualifying candidates. The Global Seal of Biliteracy enables programs across the world to quickly validate a student’s language skills to provide recognition, appropriate and or advanced placement in a language program, and even help earn scholarships and job opportunities.