Slide-A-Thon Header

ACCESS ONLINE FORM Visit the Slide-A-Thon fundraising page and click the donate button in the top right corner. Type in the student you'd like to support and the total will automatically go to their personal fundraising page AND their house.
HONOR YOUR STUDENT You will receive prompts to provide the amount you wish to give, the student you are giving in honor of, and to select the student's current class, and house. The student being honored, as well as the student's class and house will receive credit for the contribution.
COMPLETE YOUR GIFT Enter in your contact information and payment information and submit.

Pass it on! Share the link with family and friends so they too can give in honor of ISI Students.

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Student goals

ISI students are fundraising for these student-selected initiatives, decided by the House Captains to help better the school! Continue to visit this page to see updates on fundraising progress.

Slide-a-thon Thermometer


Slide-A-Thon began in 2021 as a student fundraiser in support of the construction of the Chen Family Lower School Slide. Since that time, the event has evolved, and it now serves as a Lower School Fundraiser. 

Creating and sustaining a vibrant culture of philanthropy is at the forefront of all independent schools’ strategic goals. Slide-a-Thon continues as a student fundraiser, allowing students, families, and employees to talk openly about giving and have a solid understanding of why giving is important and to instill a shared sense of responsibility for supporting the school.

Through Slide-A-Thon, we hope to leave students with an understanding that no matter one's age or how much money one contributes by working in collaboration with others, each of us can make a meaningful difference. 

At the Slide-A-Thon event, Lower School students in grades 1 - 5 are paired with students in their houses (Bison, Cardinal, Limestone, and Pioneer) for a friendly house competition in support of a worthwhile cause - their school. During the event, each house participates in four stations, earning points for their slides, dancing, a relay, and a community arts activity. Each student has an opportunity to solicit philanthropic support from family and friends with a monetary gift for their slides or flat donation in honor of their overall efforts. 

The event is chaired by the Lower School House Captains, and the students have selected a fundraising priority of importance to them that will strengthen the Lower School and they also generate support for the school’s annual fund, which benefits the entire school community.

To aid in their fundraising efforts, students will receive planning sheets that help them brainstorm together with their class about who they'd like to ask to support Slide-A-Thon. 

Every student in grade 1 - 5 will have a chance to slide and receive prizes simply for joining their classmates in the day's competitions. 

Slide a thon Photo button



learn more about the annual fund

Slide-a-thon FAQs