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International School of Indiana’s Top Five Reasons to Pursue an IB Diploma
The International Baccalaureate, or IB, is a worldwide education program designed to provide students with an education fit for a globalizing world. The IB stresses the importance not only of academic achievement but also personal development in the classroom. With immersion and dual language programs in French, Mandarin, Spanish, and English, the IB develops worldly thinkers. Here are the top five reasons ISI recommends pursuing an IB diploma.
Developing Problem Solving Skills
Students in the IB learn in environments, which emphasize the importance of teamwork and considering problems from many perspectives. They learn to analyze and evaluate problems and are encouraged to connect concepts between different subjects. At ISI, students begin the IB curriculum from day one, so they benefit from years of lessons designed to improve critical and creative thinking.
Student-Centered Learning
By giving students freedom in the classroom, the IB helps to build confidence and independence while learning. Student-centered projects (such as the Personal Project and Extended Essay) allow students to find ways to enjoy learning and foster curiosity at all grade levels. IB students participate in CAS - Creativity, Activity, Service. This allows students to learn from experiences while pursuing topics that hold their interest. Through clubs, projects, service, and athletics, students develop skills to become motivated, well-rounded individuals.
Large Breadth and Depth of Study
Students at ISI take a wide range of classes, such as Psychology, Philosophy, Film, Computer Science, and Global Politics. With such a large breadth of study, IB students must be able to connect concepts learned in different subjects across grade levels to gain a thorough understanding of the world around them. Of the six classes students take per semester, they select three to take at a higher level, increasing their depth of knowledge. Throughout the IB, subjects are not taught in isolation.
Personal Development
Not only does the IB curriculum push students to grow academically, but students are also challenged in their personal development through the IB learner profile. The goal of the IB learner profile is to develop internationally minded people who respect themselves and others around them. ISI students develop skills that carry on into university and beyond, like communication skills, self management, and research and documentation skills.
University Preparedness
ISI students graduate prepared for their next steps, as the IB Diploma Programme was created as a pre-university curriculum. Students develop needed skills in research, time management, and meeting deadlines, giving them the foundation they need to succeed in their future educational and career endeavors. Teamwork and communication are also skills that are developed through the IB. Besides skill building, the IB Diploma is globally recognized by universities and employers, setting your student up for success in the future.
While many schools offer IB and AP classes, ISI offers a holistic IB education to all students - aligning with the IB philosophy. To learn more about ISI and school curriculum, click here.
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