- Upper School
Model United Nations at ISI
ISI students learn from a curriculum that emphasizes global citizenship, collaboration, and communication. With a focus on these values in the classroom, it is no surprise that Model United Nations (MUN) is one of the most popular clubs in the Upper School. The club is led by student leaders and advised by the Individuals and Societies Head of Department, Jenny Howell.
Throughout the school year, club leaders pick topics of global significance to debate. Students take on the roles of leaders of different countries, debating the topic from their point of view using parliamentary procedures. Throughout this process, students gain skills in public speaking, debating in concise arguments, and striving to understand the issue from the perspective of their chosen country. Students also engage in research on the topics, organize their information into position papers, and learn how to collaborate and compromise to create resolutions for agreements between nations. These communication and organizational skills are essential components of MUN, but can also be transferred to use in classes and other clubs.
Students in MUN learn the context surrounding real events around the globe. For example, the latest MUN topic was to investigate and debate about the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea. Engagement in this topic will help students to further understand the historical context behind the current situation in Ukraine, and they will consider different country's perspectives.
Students involved with MUN also have opportunities to travel to conferences across the country, where they work with other schools and receive guidance from national leaders. In a typical school year, ISI MUN members travel to Bloomington, Chicago, and Washington D.C.
Students are also offered leadership opportunities to collaborate with the advisor and other leaders, lead club meetings, and engage in peer feedback. Many of the MUN club members participate in organizing the Middle School MUN Conference at the end of the school year. The High School MUN has been organizing this annual event now for four years.
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