- Campus News
ISI Community Celebrates the Annual Night at the Zoo
On December 2, over 200 ISI community members came together for the annual Night at the Indianapolis Zoo. The Night at the Zoo is a part of the ISI Year of Giving, allowing current families, alumni families, faculty, staff, board of directors, grandparents, friends, community partners, and businesses to join together to invest in our students, our facilities, our faculty, and our future.
ISI families were able to reconnect and enjoy time together for an evening at the Indianapolis Zoo. Guests received collectable cups and souvenir toy tigers, as well as coffee and hot chocolate to stay warm as they walked through the grounds, visiting the animals and enjoying the festive light show. As ISI families strolled through the Zoo, they were not only glowing with excitement, but also literally glowing - as they were wearing glow in the dark necklaces to help spot others in the ISI community.
For more information about upcoming Year of Giving events, including the February First Friday with Seoul Fresh and the 2022 Travel Auction & Gala in April please visit the Year of Giving events page.
- Newsfeed